When you first start learning about chakras, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. After all, the whole idea of chakras and energy healing can seem a little far out there, especially for some people who have never dealt with the subject before. While it is very real, it takes a bit of time for some individuals to connect. Rest assured, there is nothing wrong with that. In order to better understand your root chakra and the color associated with it, you have to first understand what it is and what it’s capable of doing for you. Only then will you truly be able to start noticing when that particular chakra is opening up for you.
Read on to learn about the first chakra, which is the root chakra, and discover why it’s associated with the color red.What Is the Root Chakra? Just as the name implies, the root chakra is the very root of all the other chakras in your body. As such, it has a direct impact on virtually everything that happens in your body, not to mention the way that you feel on a daily basis. It can affect how you feel both physically and emotionally. The root chakra is typically associated with your most basic needs, such as the need to feel safe, the need to be wanted and the desire to have your most basic needs of shelter, food and safety met. Of course, it also plays a very important role in your spiritual development because it helps you become more balanced. Once your basic needs for survival are met, the root chakra opens up even further, thereby allowing you to meet your needs on a deeper level.
Where Is It Located? You can find your root chakra at the base of your spine. It’s in the same area as your tailbone. When you think about it, it makes sense that the very chakra that you use to stay grounded to the rest of the world would also be located at the base of your spine. You can think of your root chakra as the entryway for your body’s energy. Everything that comes into your body and everything that goes out of it goes through this gateway.