What exactly does the second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, entail? You might have heard that this is the chakra responsible for the person you become as you grow from childhood into adulthood. In a way, that’s true. While it would be irresponsible to say that your sacral chakra is solely responsible for the person that you eventually decide to be, it is responsible for things like the level of your creativity, your sense of sexuality and even the sense of freedom that you eventually develop. Some people might even go as far as saying that this is a chakra responsible for the amount of power that you feel and subsequently put on display for the whole world to see.
Read on to learn about the second chakra known as the sacral chakra, and discover why it’s associated with the color orangeYour Sacral Chakra and Its Color
If you’ve done a little research about chakras, you probably already know that every one of them has a particular color associated with them. In this particular case, the sacral chakra is associated with the color orange. More will be discussed about the reasons that this chakra and the color orange go so well together later on. For now, it’s important to gain a greater understanding of what exactly the sacral chakra is responsible for, how you know if it’s open or blocked and what to do about it in order to keep it operating smoothly. Once you understand these factors more completely, it will become much easier to see how the color orange goes hand-in-hand with this particular chakra.
Where Is Your Sacral Chakra Located?
The sacral chakra is located just underneath your belly button. Find your navel and then put two to three fingers directly underneath it, without veering to either the right or the left. This is precisely where your sacral chakra is located. Have you ever noticed that you get a jittery feeling in that part of your abdomen when you feel like your ability to make the decisions or create the life you really want for yourself is threatened? Some people describe it as having butterflies in their stomach. It’s interesting to note that this is the chakra responsible for you making the life choices you need to make in order to create the life you want, and that is precisely where you get this feeling any time that you feel like some portion of that control might be threatened.