What do you know about your third eye chakra, also known as the sixth chakra? Even if you haven’t studied chakras a great deal, you probably know that the third eye has something to do with being able to see or sense things that can’t necessarily be seen with the naked eye. That’s not incorrect, but there is really so much more to it than that.
You may want to pay extra attention to this particular chakra, considered by many to be one of the most interesting chakras in the entire body. You might also be interested to know that the color most commonly associated with your third eye chakra is indigo, a brilliant color of blue that tends to combine the colors of royal blue and violet into something that is completely unique.
If you want to know more about this special chakra, you’ve definitely come to the right place. It all starts by learning more about your third eye chakra and what it truly represents. Only then can you gain a more complete understanding of why and how it’s connected with the color energy of indigo. What Does Your Sixth Chakra Do? There are many things that this particular chakra is responsible for. In fact, it is considered by many to be one of the most important chakras because it has the capacity to play a major role in so many different physical aspects of the human body. At the same time, it also plays a crucial role in your mental, emotional and spiritual development.
As far as your physical body is concerned, the third eye chakra is typically associated with your eyes, ears and brain. As such, it is also directly connected to your nervous system. It even has a dramatic impact on both your pineal and thyroid glands. Your sinuses are also directly connected to this chakra, as is your sense of smell. As you can see, there are many different parts of your physical body that can be impacted by the state of your third eye chakra. If it’s overactive or not active enough, it can have a direct impact on the way that you feel physically. More information about this later. For now, it’s enough to know that your third eye chakra must be balanced in order for you to feel your best. As previously mentioned, your third eye chakra also impacts you on an emotional and mental level. This is the chakra that helps you see the bigger picture in life as opposed to only seeing what’s right in front of you. It also controls your sense of imagination and has a great deal to do with your creativity. People with a well-balanced third eye chakra often feel quite peaceful, even tranquil. They may feel this way in the face of some fairly monumental challenges, allowing themselves to remain calm when other people may be in a state of panic. This is largely because the third eye chakra gives them the capacity to focus on the things that are truly important as opposed to getting hung up on things that don’t matter as much. It might be easy to fall into a trap where it seems like less meaningful things are of vital importance, especially if you allow yourself to get caught up in the moment. Someone with a third eye chakra that is well-balanced isn’t likely to allow themselves to get into that type of situation. Instead, they keep sight of the things that are genuinely important in their lives and they adjust their actions accordingly.
It’s already been mentioned that the third eye chakra is largely responsible for spiritual experiences and enlightenment. It is not alone in this role, but it is one of the most important energy centers in your body when it comes to dealing with things of a spiritual nature. The third eye chakra allows you to connect things that are unseen with your physical world. If you really tap into it, you have a better chance of having meaningful spiritual experiences that have the capacity to transform your life. By the same token, it also gives you the opportunity to use that spiritual enlightenment to create a life that is more peaceful. By following your intuition and learning to listen to the spiritual side of things, you can start to declutter your life and focus on the things that matter most to you. It’s also very important for spiritual guidance, as a well-balanced third eye chakra can help you find your joy in life.