Reiki healing session

Birth Trauma Kundalini Reiki Healing Session "Certified Kundalini Reiki Master


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  • Details
    Prenatal life and the birth stage leave lasting impressions that can be carried into adulthood and cause previously unexplained blockages.

    If you are stuck in your life, and the problem persists for a long time despite all the things you have done to heal it, it is possible that it took root during your prenatal life or your birth.

    The "birth trauma" treatment will help you to uncover and heal it, and thus heal the blockage in your life today.

    This trauma can be at the origin of emotional, relational, material or financial blockages.

    How does the session take place?

    The session takes place at a distance. After your purchase, within 24 hours, I will contact you via the Etsy messaging system to agree on the day and time of your treatment. At the time of the appointment, you will just have to relax, lie down, or sit comfortably, and let it happen...

    Disclaimer: Energy healing is not a substitute for medical care or professional or legal advice. This information is not offered for the purpose of substituting or replacing sound medical advice or medical care. The information is not intended to diagnosis, cure or treat any medical illness. If you have any medical concerns you are advised to contact a licensed physician. This is an alternative practice and by purchasing this item you acknowledge that you’re over the age of 18 and fully responsible for all actions and inactions take by you prior to or following your healing session and outcomes you feel manifested form the healing session.

    You will NOT receive anything physical! This is for distant energy healing.